Festa della Sensa: the marriage of the sea ceremony


On paintings, Venice is always represented as a young, beautiful woman, and tradition wants her to be married with the sea. In fact, among the numerous festivals Venice has during the year, there’s a specific event recalling this marriage – the Festa della Sensa, also known as The Marriage of the Sea.

We mentioned the Festa della Sensa in our blog post about all the Venice events you can’t miss, but to find out more about this important celebration, we need to dig a little bit more into its history, starting with the meaning of its name.

What does Festa della Sensa mean?

In Venetian dialect, the word “Sensa” means Assumption. In fact, the festival takes place on the day of Jesus’s Assumption, which is always 40 days after Easter.

In the past, the celebration commemorated two important events for the Republic of Venice – the positive intervention of Doge Pietro II Orseolo against Slavs, who were threatening Dalmatian people, and the signing of the Treaty of Venice by Doge Sebastiano Ziani, Pope Alexander III, and the Holy Roman Emperor, and Frederick Barbarossa.

How does the marriage of the sea work?

The Marriage of the Sea ceremony is performed every year in the Venetian lagoon, even if the Serenissima Republic doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a ritual Venetians really love because the relationship between the city and sea is eternal – after all Venice is built on water, isn’t it?

But let’s see how this celebration works: the Doge in charge had to drop a consecrated ring into the sea, while pronouncing a phrase in Latin, which was “Desponsamus te, mare, in signum veri perpetuique domini” (“We wed thee, sea, as a sign of true and everlasting domination”[3]). In this way, Venice was officially consecrated to the sea, becoming one with it.

The programme of the Sensa Festival in Venice

To be fair, the Sensa festival is celebrated over two days and not just one, which this year fall on 11 and 12 May 2024.
On 11 May, the appointment is at Lido a San Nicolò with the traditional Sensa market and historical re-enactments.

On 12 May, on the other hand, the rendezvous is at 9 a.m. in St Mark’s Basin, where the boats for the celebration will assemble. At 10.00 a.m. the Corteo della Sensa will set off in the direction of Venice Lido and at 10.40 a.m. there will be the ceremony of the Marriage of the Sea, then at 11.00 a.m. there will be a singing performance by the Coro Serenissima at the Church of San Niccolò on the Lido.

To conclude the festivities, there will be a solemn mass at the same church from 11.15 am.

During the day of 12 May, there will also be side events: in the morning, a walk by the Nordic Walking Venezia Serenissima Association, and in the afternoon, a concert by The Pixel at the Blue Moon beach.


Biennale of Art 2024: Foreigners Everywhere for the 60th edition

Exploring Artistic Beauty in Cannaregio during the Venice Biennale 2024

Dear art lovers and passionate travellers, 2024 is a special year for Venice, as it will host the prestigious Biennale of Art for its 60th edition. This event, known for exalting and celebrating contemporary art, will attract artists from all over the world, transforming the city into a fascinating display of creativity and unique visions. As you explore the extraordinary works of the Biennale, we invite you to enjoy an authentic and immersive experience by choosing Cannaregio as your base during your stay in Venice.

The Venice Biennale 2024: A Global Stage for Contemporary Art

The Venice Biennale has long been a beacon of contemporary art, a place where the world’s most innovative artists converge to share their vision with a global audience. In 2024, expectations are sky-high, with emerging and established artists presenting works ranging from immersive installations to bold explorations of the boundaries of art. This year’s theme, ‘Foreigners Everywhere‘, promises to transform Venice into a global stage, bringing an unprecedented flurry of creativity to Cannaregio, with a special focus on environmental sustainability. According to Pedrosa, has more than one meaning. Firstly, it means that wherever you go and wherever you are, you will always meet foreigners: they are/we are everywhere.
Secondly, regardless of one’s location, deep down one is always truly a foreigner.

Cannaregio: The Authentic Heart of Venice

If you want to experience the true soul of Venice during the Biennale, there is no better place than Cannaregio. This picturesque district, far from the tourist crowds, offers a true immersion in everyday Venetian life. With its quiet canals, romantic bridges and cozy squares, Cannaregio is the ideal place for those seeking a break from the artistic hustle and bustle of the Biennale.

Side Events in Cannaregio: Art and Culture at Every Corner

While the Biennale makes the cultural heart of Venice vibrate, Cannaregio is no different. The district will be involved in a series of collateral events, exhibitions and performances that will add further value to the city.
Explore local art galleries, participate in creative workshops or enjoy live performances in the atmospheric theatres of Cannaregio. This district is ready to welcome you with open arms, offering a cultural experience that extends beyond the Biennale.
We wait for you with the official map of the Biennale also for the vernissage on April, 17th, 18th and 19th 2024.

Venice Carnival: how to live it as its best

Mask of Venice Carnival

First mentioned by Doge Vitale Falier in 1094, Carnival was linked to public entertainment events held around the city.
The history of the Carnival of Venice, as we know it today, is then found in the 17th century, following a victory of the Republic against the Patriarch of Aquileia. In the 18th century, however, the Venetian Carnival became a true symbol of Venetian culture, when Venetians and outsiders alike poured into the city to party with music and wild dancing.

In the life of the Venetians, Carnival represented a time of freedom, when everyone could be who they wanted and where social classes ceased to exist.
The Carnival, therefore, represented a moment of freedom and equality and that is why nobles from all over Europe came here to celebrate.

Venice carnival costumes

Venice Carnival was indeed a time where everyone could be whoever they wanted to be. However, back in the 18th century, there were only two masks people could wear, the so-called “Bauta” and the “Moretta“.
The Bauta is a white mask that covers the entire face, with a prominent nose, two holes for the eyes, and no mouth. It is usually worn with a black “tabarro”, a long cloak that was initially worn to stay warm, since Carnival takes place in winter, and then became part of the whole costume.
Another typical mask was the so-called “Moretta”, which means “dark mask”, but if you want to know more about it, we recommend reading our blog post about Venice Carnival history.
Nowadays, there isn’t a typical Venetian mask anymore. You can wear anything you like, and spend a day around the streets of Venice being whoever you want to be. You can also participate in the annual best costume contest, and try to win the first prize!

Venice Carnival: how to live one of the most amazing events in the world

Besides the contest for best costume, there are a lot of things to do and events to attend during Carnival.
To live the Carnival of Venice as Venetians used to in the past, you could think about attending a dinner & ball event, wearing an 18th-century costume and dancing beneath a frescoed ceiling inside an ancient Venetian palace.
Alternatively, you can just wear your costume and walk through the streets of Venice, admiring the multitude of fancy outfits you’ll see around the city
You can also do a bacaro tour wearing your costume, pretending to live in a different historical period for a day.
Moreover, don’t forget to taste “frittella“, a traditional kind of fried doughnut, that you can only find during Carnival.

When is Carnival in Venice?

The answer is simple: it depends.
The Venice Carnival does not always fall on the usual dates, this is because it is based on the day on which Easter falls. In 2019, the Venice Carnival was held between 16 February and 5 March, with all its special dances and initiatives.
This year’s Carnival will be held from 27 January to 13 February. We are waiting for you to experience it with us from 1 February!
One of the unmissable events of Carnival is definitely the ‘Festa delle Marie‘. In honour of the victory over the Istrian pirates in 943, every year twelve of the most beautiful girls in Venice are selected, chosen in number of two for each sestiere and renamed Marie for the occasion, who parade through the city and are the protagonists of the main events of the carnival period.
Another event not to be missed is the ‘Volo dell’Angelo‘, which usually falls on Shrove Tuesday. The origin of this event has its roots several centuries ago, when a Turkish acrobat, who had come to Venice for the Carnival celebrations, decided to reach St Mark’s Campanile to honour the Doge by walking on a rope stretched from its top to the great Riva degli Schiavoni.
Unfortunately, the acrobat lost his balance and everyone renamed the Flight of the Angel the ‘Flight of the Turk’. Later on, the name reverted back to its original one. Who will be the Angel of 2024?

Follow the Venice Carnival official website to find out all there is to know about parties and events!

All the events in Venice in 2024, a must-see!

As every year, there are many events that take place in Venice, and in this 2024 too, anniversaries will not be forgotten, let alone moments of celebration and the opening of new shows or exhibitions.
We have gathered here all the 2024 events in Venice, dividing them season by season, starting with the coldest one: winter.

Events in Venice in winter

During the winter, there is not only Christmas to celebrate, but also the famous Venice Carnival. From 27 January to 13 February, in fact, the appointment is with confetti and streamers, in the Venetian calli and campi, enjoying delicious frittelle and other typical Carnival sweets.
During the carnival period, there are many different events, starting with the Venetian Water Festival, which opens the Carnival season, the Flight of the Angel in St Mark’s Square and the many masked balls organised in the ancient Venetian palaces.
Don’t forget to add each of these events to your agenda, because experiencing Venice at Christmas and during Carnival is something that is priceless.

Read also: Venice Carnival: how to live it at its best

Events in Venice in spring

Spring is the best time to visit Venice, as the weather is pleasant and usually sunny enough to favour long walks outdoors. Moreover, spring is the season par excellence of the Venice Biennale and its collateral events. The Venice Biennale promotes new artistic trends and organises events in the contemporary arts according to a unique multidisciplinary model since 1895 between art, architecture, cinema, dance, music and theatre. Don’t miss its vernissage from 17 to 19 April!
If you are fond of walking and being outdoors in spring in Venice, you cannot miss the Su e Zo per i ponti (Up and Down the Bridges), a traditional event in Venice consisting of a solidarity walk that has been taking place through the city’s historic centre since 1975.
April is also the month in which the city’s patron saint, St Mark, is celebrated on the 25th, but be prepared to see a lot of rosebuds around Venice, because on this day love is also celebrated.
If you’re in Venice for May, you can attend the Festa de la Sensa, which commemorates the traditional marriage between Venice and the sea, or the traditional Vogalonga. Both will take place in May
May is also the month of the famous Boat Show, a fair dedicated to boat and equipment enthusiasts, exploring every aspect of sailing and boat building.

Venice in summer: the events

Summer is a time of important events, such as the Festa del Redentore, another traditional Venetian event the Venetians hold dear. On this day you will see countless boats plying the waters of the Grand Canal in the direction of St Mark’s Basin to watch the fireworks display held every year at midnight. Try to find a suitable place to enjoy the fireworks if you really want to enjoy one of the most beautiful nights of the year.
This year also marks the centenary of Giacomo Puccini, and to mark the occasion there will be a special concert with the Orchestra and Choir of the Teatro La Fenice in Piazza San Marco on 13 July.
Summer cannot end without hosting the famous Film Festival takes place on the island of Lido, an unmissable event for film and ‘red carpet’ lovers.
Last but not least, the Regata Storica, a race between rowing boats of the famous Venetian oarsmen, on the first Sunday in September.

Autumn: events in Venice

The season continues with the Venice Glass Week in September, to raise awareness of glassmaking as an artistic and economic activity in the city.
Autumn is a season full of traditions to remember. On 21 November, Venetians celebrate the feast of the Madonna della Salute, a day dedicated to the memory of a major plague epidemic that struck the Serenissima. If you have the chance to be in Venice at this time, you will understand for yourself how important and heartfelt this day is for the entire city.
In October, there is the annual marathon in Venice, in which everyone can participate, young and old, even you and your family; and the High-end Italian Craftsmanship Fair, which celebrates Italian art and craftsmanship in the heart of the lagoon, cradle of ancient crafts and know-how handed down over the centuries.

Are you ready to pack the bags and visit Venice season by season?


Where to go to eat as a Venetian in Cannaregio: non-touristic venues


When you would like to go to eat in Venice it is never easy to give advice, firstly because of the great variety of restaurants and then due to everyone’s personal taste. In this article we want you to try Venetian cuisine in 6 venues in Cannaregio.

Osteria Anice Stellato

In Fondamenta della Sensa hides Anice Stellato, an osteria that is very much linked to the history of Venice as a crossroads for the spice trade. The menu offers reinterpretations of traditional dishes with the use of high quality ingredients.
It offers a romantic and elegant atmosphere with the possibility of reserving a table overlooking the canal.

Osteria Ca’ d’Oro alla Vedova

A historic restaurant just a few steps from palazzo Ca’ D’Oro, famous for its meatballs and meat and vegetable pies. There is no shortage here of traditional dishes such as baccalà mantecato and sarde in saor, which taste even better when served with excellent polenta.
Shall we talk about the first courses? Besides the pasticcio, try the ‘bigoli in salsa‘, you will fall in love with them!

Osteria Bepi Antico 54

A rustic osteria, run by a Venetian family, passed down from father to son… We are at Bepi Antico 54, just a few steps from Campo Santi Apostoli. If you are looking for an authentic Venetian experience here you are in the right place! The dishes are characterised by local and seasonal ingredients, elegantly presented. Among the starters you can also find granseola, a dish you really must try! The warm light and slightly retro style of the restaurant also make it suitable for intimate dinners for couples.

Osteria Al Bacco

Just behind the Ghetto Nuovo, in Fondamenta delle Capuzine, you’ll find Il Bacco, an old-fashioned osteria with the menu of the day at lunchtime, typical Venetian dishes properly prepared and generous portions. One of those real resident places, where the official language is Venetian.

Antica Adelaide

Antica Adelaide, between Ca’ d’Oro and Fondamente Nove, in Calle Priuli Racheta, enchants with its art nouveau style main hall, with a stained glass window at the back, paintings on the walls and antiques. It offers many delicious Venetian dishes, including bigoli alla busera.

Da’a Marisa

Marisa is a true institution in Venice, just a few steps from the Ponte dei Tre Archi. The trattoria is part of the city’s history. You eat whatever you have on your plate, just like at home!
The daily menu alternates between meat and fish, without the slightest twist in the dishes, as one would expect from a typical trattoria all of a piece. The ambience is absolutely homely and even a little cramped in keeping with Venetian tradition. Reservations are a must!

These are some of the places to eat in Venice that we recommend you try, but if you are looking for something special in the Cannaregio area, ask us for advice at reception: we will be happy to help you find the perfect restaurant for your evening!



Christmas in Venice: things to do

Christmas tree

Christmas in Venice is something you should experience, at least once in your life.
The city changes, becoming full of lights and stalls selling a quantity and a variety of sweets you can’t even imagine.
Christmas in Venice is a fairytale coming true, a place to get lost, admiring the decorations reflected on the canals. However, walking around the city surrounded by the typical Christmas atmosphere is not the only thing you can do in Venice during this period.
Winter in Venice can be hard, but don’t let this be an excuse to spend all your time in your hotel room, and miss the chance to get the most out of the city.

Christmas in Venice: the perfect occasion to attend special Concerts

Around Christmas time, it’s nice to attend some free-entry Concerts, like those organized at San Trovaso Church on Advent Sudays, are a very good occasion spend a nice time listening to good music for free.
Even in Mestre, there will be several free concerts in the main square, Piazza Ferretto, creating the right atmosphere to do some Christmas shopping among Christmas markets.

Warm you up with some traditional Venetian food

Venice at Christmas means having the chance to taste some sweets you can’t find during the year, such as the Pandoro or Pinza.
Pandoro is a Christmas cake originally invented in Verona, that you can also find in Venice and in the whole of Northern Italy. Kids usually prefer it to Panettone, which is similar but it has raisins in the dough. Another sweet you can try is the so-called Pinza, a cake made with stale bread and raisin, that belongs to the Venetian farming tradition.
Don’t forget to accompany these two cakes with a glass of red wine, as Venetians do!

Christmas lunch in a great restaurant

It might sound rather obvious, but having a good Christmas lunch is part of the experience. There are several restaurants in Venice that offer a special menu for the occasion, and we will be happy to indicate the best for you to spend a nice Christmas in Venice with your family or your partner.

Visiting a museum on Christmas Day? Why not!

Many museums remain open on Christmas Day because culture never goes on vacation! You can visit the Museum Fortuny and Museum Correr from 10 am to 5 pm, including their temporary exhibitions. Instead the Doge Palace opens from 9 am to 6 pm. Moreover, the Doge Palace and Museum Correr offer a special chance to visit them until 9 pm, in the evening from December, the 8th 2023 to January the, the 6th 2024 on Friday and on Saturday.
Ca’ Pesaro, Ca’ Rezzonico and the Museum of Glass in Murano will be opened too, from 10 am to 5 pm.
Ca’ Rezzonico and Museo Fortuny are exceptionally open on 26th December 2023. Ca’ Pesaro is open on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
It could definitely be a different and unusual way to live Christmas in Venice.
In addition to all these ideas, you could also read our article about the events in Venice at Christmas and New Year’s Eve, maybe you’ll find some proposals you might want to add to your Christmas-to-do-list.

Casanova’s house in Venice: does it still exist?

Casa di Casanova a Venezia: esiste ancora?

Everyone has heard of the famous Giacomo Casanova at least once in his life. Usually what he is mentioned and remembered for are his countless conquests. But Casanova was not only a dashing lover but also a great lover of life and literature, a great writer and poet and this is how we usually describe him to our guests. 

In this article, we discover together who Giacomo Casanova was and reveal some interesting facts about his birthplace and various other places he used to frequent.

Who was Giacomo Casanova

Giacomo Casanova was born on 2 April 1725, into a family of theatre actors. His father, Gaetano Casanova, was an actor and dancer from Parma, while his mother, Zanetta Farussi was a famous Venetian actress, whom even Carlo Goldoni mentions in his memoirs. 

But Casanova did not grow up with his parents. Being itinerant actors, they were never at home and his father, moreover, died when Giacomo was only 8 years old, so he was raised by his maternal grandmother in Venice. 

He studied law in Padua and succeeded in graduating in 1737. He then left for Corfu and Constantinople, but a few years after his return to Venice, the grandmother who had raised him died and he was devastated by her loss. 

This is where his amorous adventures (and misadventures) begin, with Greek slaves, nuns and noble women. This somewhat unbridled and libertine life of his leads him to be pursued by the inquisitors and he is locked up in the Piombi, the prisons located in the attic of the Doge’s Palace, from which he manages to escape thanks to the help of his cellmate: the friar Marino Balbi.

Giacomo escaped from Venice, went to Bolzano, then Munich and finally to Paris, where he wrote his memoirs.

Casanova’s house

But where is Giacomo Casanova’s house? Does it still exist? These are just some of the questions our guests often ask us about this great character, and here is the answer: his house probably still exists, but nobody knows which one it is

We know for certain, thanks to his memoirs, in which calle he was born, Calle Malipiero, a short distance from the church of San Samuele, on the third floor of one of Count Savorgnan’s properties. A marble slab at the entrance to the calle confirms this: Giacomo lived here until 1743.

Other places frequented by Casanova in Venice

As we have seen, Giacomo Casanova lived for many years in Venice and some of the places he used to frequent still exist today and can be visited, such as the Caffè Florian, for example, in St. Mark’s Square. This Cafè was opened in 1720 and over the years saw many illustrious guests sit at its tables, personalities such as, Carlo Goldoni, Lord Byron, the painters Canaletto and Guardi and even our own Casanova.

Near Campo Sant’Angelo is the Cinema Rossini ex Teatro San Beneto, which Giacomo used to frequent, and in Campo San Maurizio at the time lived two characters whose company Casanova loved: the erotic Venetian poet Giorgio Baffo and the senator Pietro Zaguri, of whose family the palace of the same name remains, today the site of temporary exhibitions. 

One last stop to finish: Osteria Do Mori, near the Rialto. Stop here, in this bacaro, to taste some typical Venetian cicchetti and have a glass of wine, just like our Casanova used to do. Which, to be honest, if Casanova had lived in our times, he certainly would have popped up on our romantic terrace, here at the Hotel Arcadia, along with one of his flames of the moment!

Read also: Where to drink Spritz in Venice



Teatro La Fenice history and curiosities

Teatro La Fenice storia e curiosità

Among the things to do in Venice in the evening, we recommend to treat yourself an evening at the La Fenice Theatre. To experience the thrill of attending a performance in one of the world’s oldest and most beautiful theatres is priceless, especially if once you have left, the show continues through the calle of a timeless city: our Venice. 

Not sure how to dress for an evening at the Teatro la Fenice? In our article on the Dress-Code required, you wull ind all the information needed.

La Fenice Theatre: a bit of history

The La Fenice Theatre was inaugurated on 16 May 1792, the day of the Festa della Sensa. It was built according to the design of Gian Antonio Selva. In 1836 was in danger of disappearing forever due to a violent fire. Its name was not chosen by chance in fact, from the  ashes it rose again, more splendid than before. 

During the Napoleonic domination, the theatre officially became the State Theatre. La loggia was built to celebrate the Emperor’s visit and the auditorium was decorated in French colours.

In 1996, the theatre was damaged by an arson attack it was decided to rebuild it ‘as it was and where it was’ the same as Campanile di San Marco after its collapse. 

5 curiosities about La Fenice Theatre

The La Fenice Theatre has several curiosities to tell, here we have chosen to report the most unexpected ones. 

  1. The Fenice’s historical archive is located in a different building from the theatre and survived the two fires. Incredible, but true, inside there are all, but really all, the documents relating to the history of the theatre: from its birth to the present day.
  2. The doors we enter through today were once not those of the main entrance. It seems strange to think of it today, but as was the case with all Venetian palaces, the entrance door par excellence was the one overlooking the water because all the nobles used to travel by gondola and not by foot, like the servants. It is no coincidence, in fact, that all the facades of Venetian palaces facing the Grand Canal are extremely beautiful and well-kept, as opposed to those facing inwards, towards calli and campi.
  3. The last fire not only brought major damage, but also the opportunity to discover some very old frescoes, depicting Dante in Hell, which you can now see in the bar room.
  4. The premiere of La Traviata was right here at La Fenice Theatre on 6 March 1853, but contrary to what one might think today, it was a real flop! In fact, the spectators booed for a long time and poor Giuseppe Verdi was really hurt.
  5. The name La Fenice was chosen for a very specific reason: to communicate the rebirth of the Nobile Società dei Palchettisti. This once had the management of one of the most luxurious and popular theatres of the late 18th century stolen from under it: the Teatro San Benedetto, which passed into the hands of the Venier family who owned the land on which it stood. The Noble Society of the Palchettisti did not give up and therefore decided to have the most beautiful theatre in all of Venice built, which would have represented their rebirth.


We at the Hotel Arcadia love to treat ourselves to an evening at the La Fenice Theatre, at least once a year. Crossing its threshold is always a strong emotion that sparks amazement and wonder, because this theatre is a magical place, exuding history and music from every drape and every box. 

If we have intrigued you, don’t hesitate to ask us for more information about tickets or dress code, or perhaps some other curiosity related to the history of this unique theatre. We are waiting for you at the reception!



Curiosities about Venice: 5 things you might not know

Curiosità su Venezia: 5 cose che forse non sai

There are so many curiosities about Venice and perhaps we will never really know them all. In this article, we have collected 5 curiosities that you might not know about our beautiful city and that we usually share only with our guests. This time we wanted to make an exception and share some of them with you who are planning your trip to Venice.

Why Venice was called ‘Serenissima

Many stories tell the reason for this name, but one of the most reliable attributes is the origin of this appellation to the goddess Reitia, worshipped by the Venetians before they left their homes on the mainland to take refuge among the Venetian islands to escape the arrival of the Huns. Reitia was also called ‘la serenissima’ or ‘la splendida’.

St Mark’s horses: spoils of war

On the terrace of St Mark’s Basilica, stands proudly a Quadriga of Horses from the Hippodrome of Constantinople. The story goes that after the victory by the Christians between 1202 and 1204, Doge Enrico Dandolo wanted to bring them to Venice as spoils of war. Only after 50 years were they placed where we see them today.
To tell the truth, to protect them from the weather, the original horses are located inside the basilica’s exhibition route, while those on display are perfect copies.

Clocks in Venice have 24 hours

Observing the clock tower, the façade of the church of San Giacometo a Rialto or the clock inside the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, you will realise that the dial is not divided into 12 hours, but into 24! The reason is simple, at the end of the 14th century the sundials were replaced by the first clocks, which initially kept the same conformation. In time, it was realised that it became difficult to count each chime, so the dial was modified as we know it today.

The two pink columns of the Doge’s Palace

When you stand in front of the majestic façade of the Doge’s Palace, stop for a moment and look at the columns of the loggia: two of them are pink!
It seems that between these two columns the Doge used to read the death sentences in the Piazzetta.
It is also said that this was the place from which the doge watched executions and from which, on some occasions, some were also carried out, such as the hanging of a certain Francesco Baldovino in 1412, accused of betraying Venice.

The Rialto bridge disappeared for 70 years

The last, but no less important curiosity concerns the famous Rialto Bridge. At one time, the bridge was not as we know it, but was built of wood and was a drawbridge, to allow boats to pass. In 1444, however, it collapsed under the weight of the crowd that had gathered to watch the passing of the wedding procession of the Marquis of Ferrara. After its collapse, the government of the Serenissima took about 70 years to start rebuilding it, there were so many projects to choose from.

Interesting, isn’t it? If you would like to know more interesting facts about Venice, stop by the reception and we will be happy to share other interesting and special anecdotes with you about our city!



What to see at the Accademia Galleries: mini-guide

Cosa vedere alle Gallerie dell'Accademia: mini-guida

The Gallerie dell’Accademia is one of the most important and significant museums in Venice, so rich in works of Veneto art ranging from the 14th to the early 19th century that an entire weekend would not be enough to visit it properly. That is why we thought of putting together this mini-guide, an itinerary idea that can help you organise your visit here, without the risk of missing any of the most important works on display here.

The first floor of the Gallerie dell’Accademia: what you must see

The first floor of the Gallerie dell’Accademia is divided into twenty-four rooms, each of which presents works by different Veneto artists, from the most famous to the lesser-known. 
Needless to say, our advice is to visit them all with the support of a guide or an audio guide, so that you can fully understand the essence of each of these masterpieces, but having said that, here is our personal selection of works that we advise you not to miss. 

Room 1

In this room, stop and take a close look at Jacobello del Fiore’s La Giustizia in trono tra gli arcangeli Gabriele e Michele, a triptych painted in 1421, presumably intended for the Doge’s Palace. The painting is very bright and elegant, its main peculiarity is the robes worn by the subjects. The technique used by the artist is that of gilding in plaster, which is very special indeed. 

Room 2

Proceeding to the next room, your eye will surely be caught by the beauty of the Lamentation over the Dead Christ with the Virgin and Saints Joseph of Arimathea, Magdalene, Martha and Filippo Benizi by Giovanni Bellini, a work full of naturalistic details, rich in symbolism such as the three fig, olive and apple trees, a clear reference to the meditation on the passion of Christ, the pain of the Virgin Mary and the resurrection overcoming original sin. 

Room IV

In this room – although small in size – Piero della Francesca’s work, Saint Jerome and a worshipper, stands out. Thi is one of the rare cases in which the artist’s signature appears. 
There are two curiosities about this painting: the first concerns the characters depicted: St. Jerome, dressed in a tunic clasped at the waist, and The Devotee, who has the likeness of the client, Girolamo di Agostini Amadi. The second curiosity concerns the landscape in the background, reminiscent of Borgo Sansepolcro, Piero della Francesca’s birthplace.


Room VIII displays two very famous works: The Old Woman and The Tempest, both by Giorgione, originally belonging to the Vendramin collection, where they were until 1601. 
The perfection and minute details of these works still amaze the thousands of visitors and art lovers who visit the Accademia Galleries

Room X

Moving on, we now stop in Room X where Paolo Veronese’s painting of the Battle of Lepanto is housed: Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto.
Here, Venice is depicted as a woman dressed in white, behind her the figure of a lion makes the interpretation unmistakable. The sun illuminates the Venetian ships, victorious in the battle, while the Turkish ones fall into darkness. 

Room XX

In this room, we invite you to stop in front of Gentile Bellini’s Procession in St. Mark’s Square, a real leap back in time, into a lively and very participative Venice. 
Stop and observe the clothes of those present, discovering the fashions and colours of the age.


Here is The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple with the Brothers of the Scuola Grande della Carità by the famous Tiziano Vecellio, an oil on canvas painting executed between 1534 and 1538. 
A curiosity about this work: the steps of the staircase are 15, exactly like the Psalms recited by pilgrims on their way to the Temple in Jerusalem.

The ground floor of the Gallerie dell’Accademia: what you must see

The ground floor of the Accademia Galleries is dedicated more to sculpture than to painting. Here, in fact, we find plaster casts and sketches by Canova and some important busts, such as those of the painters Titian and Bellini, made by Rinaldi Rinaldo. 

If you found this mini-guide of things to see at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice interesting, we suggest you print it out and take it with you on your visit. 
In case you want to know whether a particular work is on display or under restoration, you can consult the dedicated link on the museum’s website. 
One last tip: book your ticket online for your visit directly on the website. If you have purchased the Venezia Unica card, the ticket is already included. 

If you found this mini-guide of things to see at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice interesting, we suggest you print it out and take it with you on your visit. 
In case you want to know whether a particular work is on display or under restoration, you can consult the dedicated link on the museum’s website
One last tip: book your ticket online for your visit directly on the website. If you have purchased the Venezia Unica card, the ticket is already included. 



What to see in Venice in 3 days

What to see in Venice in 3 days

We usually advise our guests to plan a stay of at least 3 days in Venice.  This is the right time to enjoy the beauty of the city and its islands, without stress.

Venice is a city full of so many things to see that a lifetime would not be enough to discover it all. 3 days can be a proper time to know its trueessence and  reality so unique in the world, especially if Venice is the stage of a wider trip. 

At the Arcadia Boutique Hotel we have created a small guide about what to see in Venice in 3 days especially for those who are or will be our guests. We suggest you to print out and use during your stay in our small charming hotel. 

Day 1 – Rialto and San Marco area

As your first day in Venice we suggest you to visit the most important and famous areas of the city, that you can easily reach from our hotel with a relaxing walk along Strada Nuova. 

You can choose whether to walk to the Rialto Bridge and the Market, reaching Campo Santi Apostoli and then Campo San Bartolomeo, or to stop at the Santa Sofia station (near Palazzo Ca’ D’Oro) and take the gondola-ferry and cross the Grand Canal. The Rialto Fish Market is just on the opposite bank. 

Once here, you can stop and admire the marble table hanging on the wall. This indicates the measurements that each fish had to meet to be sold at the market. 

From here you can reach the majestic Rialto Bridge in a few minutes, passing through the area called Erbaria, where the church of San Giacometo, the oldest in the whole of Venice, stands. 

From the Rialto Bridge – here a photo of the view of the Grand Canal is a must – continue in the direction of San Marco, through the Mercerie, an area of shops where you can stop and do some shopping. Once at St Mark’s, stop for a coffee break at one of the square’s historic bars, the Florian or the Quadri, and then head to the Doge’s Palace. 

The visit to the Doge’s Palace takes about a couple of hours, but is definitely worth it. We recommend you take advantage of the afternoon to visit St Mark’s Basilica, the Campanile for a breathtaking view over the city, and the Correr Museum, with its spectacular ballroom commissioned by Napoleon and plaster casts by Canova.

On the way back to the hotel you can stop for an aperitif with the Venetian spritz type, you can choose to drink it in one of the bacari we have tested for you, or there is always our terrace with a view at your disposal, from which you can enjoy the colours of the sunset.

Day 2 – Tour of the lagoon islands

The second day in Venice we recommend you dedicate some time to visit its most important islands: we are talking about Burano, Murano and Torcello. In this article we have put together a brief guide that can help you organise your day among the islands of the Venetian lagoon, including a visit to one of the historic Murano furnaces, to witness the creation of the famous and prized Murano glass using the blowing technique.

After such a busy day, the evening calls for something relaxing, such as a musical performance at the Teatro la Fenice (if you don’t know what the Dress-Code requires don’t worry, we’ve written an article on just that!).

Day 3 – Gondola ride, Jewish Ghetto, Palazzo Mocenigo and the city’s most beautiful churches

For your third and last day in Venice, we have a really interesting itinerary proposal, but first we want to remind you that you won’t have to worry about your luggage: even if you have to leave your room, we can take care of keeping your luggage safe until your return, just let us know when you check out. 

But let’s get down to the proposal for this third day in Venice. A good start could be  a visit to two of the city’s most beautiful churches; the Church of the Madonna dell’Orto – whose legend we recount in this article dedicated to the 5 churches you absolutely must see – and the Basilica of San Giovanni e Paolo, where many doges who have made the history of Venice are buried. 

From here, we suggest you take the vaporetto and get off at San Stae, to reach Palazzo Mocenigo where the Museo del Profumo is located. It will be an incredible tour, discovering a Venice known oly by the locals. 

Finally, to round off the day, here are two more tips: a walk through the Jewish Ghetto, a short walk from our hotel, and a half-hour or hour-long gondola ride through the city’s inner canals to get to know Venice from the water’s point of view. 

We have come to the end of these three days in Venice, but we hope to see you back soon, because there are still so many things to see in this timeless city and so many tips we want to share with you!



What to see in Venice in 2 days

Cosa vedere a Venezia in 2 giorni

Two days in Venice is a reasonable amount of time to devote to a city so rich in things to see and history to discover, even if a lifetime would not be enough to get to know it in depth. 
Given the number of things to see in Venice, it is certainly not easy to choose what to prioritise, especially for those who find themselves walking through its calli and campi for the first time. That is why we have created a mini-guide for visiting Venice in 2 days, which you can print out and take with you once you are here. 

Read also: Why one day in Venice is too little

Day 1

We suggest you dedicate the first day to the main attractions and get to know the city. Venice is a labyrinth in which it is easy to get lost, but this is the best way to discover its most hidden and unexpected secrets.

On the first day in Venice we suggest you visit the Doge’s Palace, perhaps by booking a tour of the secret itineraries in advance, the Bridge of Sighs, St Mark’s Square with its majestic Basilica, the lion’s pinch and St Mark’s Bell Tower, and, finally, the Rialto area, passing through the Mercerie – the perfect place to do some shopping.

Once you arrive in the Rialto area, since it is now afternoon, take the opportunity to admire Venice from above by climbing up to the terrace of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi and treat yourself to an aperitif in true Venetian style, with an excellent spritz and a few ‘cicchetti’ in Erbaria while admiring the oldest church in the whole of Venice: San Giacometo. 

In the evening, a trip to the Venice Casino or the Teatro la Fenice might be a good way to spend a different evening!

Day 2

On the second day, we recommend visiting the Jewish Ghetto area, one of the oldest in Europe, divided into Ghetto Nuovo, Ghetto Vecchio and Ghetto Vecchissimo
You can also take the opportunity to treat yourself to a gondola tour, usually lasting an hour or so, to discover Venice from its most fascinating side: from the water. 

In the afternoon, if you are a museum lover, we recommend a visit to the Ca’ Rezzonico Museum. It will be like going back in time to the heyday of the Serenissima and discovering its customs and traditions. 
Once out of the museum, head towards the Basilica dei Frari, one of the largest and most beautiful churches in the whole of Venice, with several works of art by the famous Tintoretto inside. Tiziano Vecellio is also buried here, in a tomb created by Canova, which is truly spectacular.

In addition to this suggested itinerary, we recommend the 10 things you absolutely cannot miss in Venice, in this article.


Venice by gondola: 4 tips for an unforgettable experience


Taking a gondola ride in Venice is one of those things you absolutely must do on a trip to the most beautiful city in the world. It might sound like a cliché, but coming to Venice and not experiencing a gondola tour along the Grand Canal or on the waters of St Mark’s Basin would not be the same.

Even if you are only coming to Venice for the weekend, our suggestion is not to miss out on such a special experience in the only place in the world where you can experience it.

The gondola is in itself a fascinating vessel, rich in history and secrets, with sinuous and elegant forms. Admiring Venice, its palaces, bridges and foundations from the gondola is an experience worthwhile and a completely different and original way to get to know and visit the city. 

If you have never experienced the thrill of riding in a gondola and plying the waters of the Venetian canals, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Choose a tour that includes the inner canals

    Gondolas originated as a means of transport for the inhabitants of Venice and because of their size, they can easily navigate the city’s inner canals. Our advice is to choose a tour that includes a ride through the narrow inner canals, which often reveal hidden corners that you would otherwise never have the chance to discover.

  2. The sunset tour is the most spectacular

    Venice with the colours of the sunset is something that not even the most beautiful painting could portray. Admiring it while sitting on board a gondola, lulled by the waves of the lagoon, is truly an unparalleled experience, especially if you are with your better half by your side.

  3. Stop by and see a squero: the place where gondolas are made

    Venezia d’estate potrebbe essere davvero molto calda, specialmente in agosto, il nostro consiglio, dunque è quello di approfittare delle ore fresche del mattino per godersi un piacevole giro in gondola alla scoperta di Venezia, senza rischiare di stare troppo tempo sotto il sole (ogni tour infatti ha una durata di minimo 30 minuti).

  4. If you come to Venice in summer, best the morning tour

    The squeri are the places where gondolas come to life, thanks to the capable hands of skilled craftsmen, called squerarioli. There are still several squeri in Venice, some more famous than others, which you can visit to see with your own eyes the different stages of making a gondola. The most famous is the one in San Trovaso, near the Zattere, but the oldest is just a few steps away from our hotel, in Calle de le Pignate and bears the name Squero Casal dei Servi (can be visited on request by filling in the form on the Arzanà Association website)

How much does a gondola ride in Venice cost?

In the end, we wanted to answer one of the questions we are most frequently asked: the cost of a gondola tour. 
The price of a standard gondola tour ranges from €80 to €100 during the day and starts at €100 for the evening hours. The price may vary depending on the tour you choose to take. 


Venice and its islands: the ones which are not to miss


Everyone knows that Venice is surrounded by islands, but few people know that there are about seventy of them, at least those whose names are known. Not all of these islands can be visited and not all of them are inhabited or particularly interesting to see, but in this article, we have thought of collecting those that, in our opinion, represent a real jewel of the lagoon and are worth visiting.

You will certainly have heard of Burano, Murano and Torcello, probably the three most famous islands of all… our virtual voyage to discover the Venetian islands starts here because you can’t come to Venice and not see at least one of them!

Burano, Murano and Torcello

Each of these three islands is famous for a different reason: Burano for its lace and brightly-coloured houses, Murano for its glass – it is here that the historic foundries are created and produce wonderful works of art, and Torcello for its basilica dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, rich in Byzantine mosaics and the historic throne of Attila. 

You can reach these islands easily thanks to line 12 that leaves from Fondamente Nuove, or you can take line 3 from the station and reach Murano. 

Alternatively, you can visit the three islands on a private tour, there are several and if you don’t know which one to choose we will be happy to help you.

Read also: What to do in Torcello

Sant’Erasmo, the vegetable garden of Venice

Close to the three most famous islands is the island of Sant’Erasmo, which is less well known but in fact much larger than the others. This is where the vegetable gardens of Venice are located, and it is here that the so-called ‘castraure‘ are grown, together with many other types of vegetables. 

The ‘castraure’ are none other than the island’s violet artichokes, a real delicacy available only at certain times of the year. In May, the island also hosts the Violet Artichoke Festival, a unique opportunity to mingle with the locals and enjoy castraure prepared in different ways. 

St Francis of the Desert

If you have ever dreamed of spending a few hours in paradise, this is the place where your wish might come true. Not far from Murano, you will find this small island where there is a monastery inhabited by the Franciscan order. 

The island is an island of prayer, where peace and tranquillity have found their ideal place and can be visited. The friars on the island are always available for a guided tour to discover its history.

Read also: Minor islands to visit in Venice

Venice Lido

Famous because of the Venice International Film Festival, the Lido is the so-called ‘beach of Venice’, because it is here that Venetian families come to the beach for the day. However, Lido di Venezia is not only the Film Festival and the beach, but also the island where justice was administered in the days of the Serenissima. 

We suggest you take a hire bike or bus to reach the Malamocco area, a small treasure trove of antiquities that can transport you back in time. 

Opposite, you can also admire from afar, the famous island of Poveglia, known for the legend of ghosts that surrounds it.

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore

This island has the privilege of being located right in front of the Doge’s Palace, in St Mark’s basin. The island is small but worth visiting for the ancient library inside the monastery, the labyrinth and to admire the beauty of Venice from the top of its bell tower.

Want to know more? Read the article dedicated to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.


Doge’s Palace tickets in Venice: where to buy them and how much time the visit takes.

Doge's Palace in Venice where to buy tickets

Visiting the Doge’s Palace is one of the top 10 things you must do in Venice. After all, it is among the symbols of the city that once was one of the strongest maritime republics in the world. 

Millions of people stop by every year, even only to admire its Venetian Gothic structure and its imposing figure overlooking St Mark’s basin. The wisest tourists are those who choose to buy a ticket.  Once inside the palace, they can get lost in its majestic rooms, imagine what kind of life in the palace must have been like during the heyday of the Serenissima and perhaps discover the many secret passages it hides.

In this article, you will find all information you need about the ticket cost for the Doge’s Palace and how to buy them easily online. If you like you could also take advantage of the “skip the line” service.

How much does a ticket for the Doge’s Palace in Venice cost?

The cost of a full-price ticket to visit the Doge’s Palace is €25.00, the reduced price ticket is €13.00 and includes a visit to the Correr Museum, the National Archaeological Museum and the Monumental Rooms of the Marciana National Library.

The Doge’s Palace also offers a less canonical, more curious and original tour, the “Secret Itineraries, which costs 28,00€ (full ticket) and 15,00€ (reduced ticket). 

If we have intrigued you, we suggest you read the article on the Secret Itineraries at the Doge’s Palace in our blog. 

Where can I buy tickets for the Doge’s Palace in Venice?

You can buy tickets for the Doge’s Palace directly online on the official website, or using the Venezia Unica City Pass, a card promoted by the Municipality of Venice. It allows you to visit the city without stress and gives you access to various discounts on transport, exhibitions, museums and much more.
Are you planning to come to Venice with your friends? Would you like to visit the Doge’s Palace and St Mark’s Basilica?  You can choose a guided tour with Skip the Line ticket included, which lasts no more than 3 hours.

How long does it take to visit the Doge’s Palace in Venice?

A visit to the Doge’s Palace takes at least 2 hours, but we recommend that you save at least 3 hours to admire each room at your leisure. 
If you decided to visit the other museums included in your ticket, we would recommend you to spend the whole day in the area around St Mark’s Square, perhaps taking a break for lunch in one of the little restaurants nearby. 
If you need some advice on what to eat in Venice, we will be happy to give you some suggestions!


Venice Biennale 2022: how to get to the event and where to buy your tickets.

Venice Biennale: how to get there and where to buy tickets

Since the times of the Serenissima, Venice has stood out for its architectural beauty, its artistic taste and its love for everything that is art and culture, so it is not by chance that it is the city where the most famous International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in the world was born: the Biennale. 

Its name derives from the fact that the event was initially organised every two years, except for the Film Festival, which became annual in 1935.

The purpose of this event has always been, to give voice to new artistic trends from all over the world. Every year, 29 pavilions dedicated to 29 countries are set up in the Giardini, but in recent years the Venice Biennale has not only been located here, near the Arsenale but throughout the city, with 1700 m2 of exhibition areas, distributed in all the sestieri. 

Few people know that the Venice Biennale and the Venice Film Festival are the oldest, still existing, events of this kind. This year the 59th edition is going to take place and the title of the event is “The Milk of Dreams“. It will start on the 23rd of April and end on the 27th of November 2022. 

The theme of the International Contemporary Art Exhibition 2022

This year the artists will tackle a very important theme: transformation. 
Through the works on display, you will experience a magical journey to discover the metamorphosis of bodies, in response to a historical moment in which the survival of mankind is strongly threatened. 
Among the thematic areas, there will also be space to talk about the relationship between man and technology, and the bond that inextricably binds every living being to the earth. It would be a shame to miss it, wouldn’t it?

How to get to the Venice Biennale

Getting to the Venice Biennale from our hotel is very easy. If you are willing to walk, you can reach the Gardens on foot, it takes about 45 minutes, along Strada Nuova, passing by Piazza San Marco and in front of Palazzo Ducale, and then continue along Riva Degli Schiavoni.

On the other hand, you have purchased the Venezia Unica City Pass in the Gold version, which includes public transport, or if you simply prefer to get there by water, you can take vaporetto line 5.1 at the Guglie stop, a 5-minute walk from our hotel, and then get off at the Giardini Biennale “b” landing stage. The journey time is approximately 39 minutes. 

Where to buy tickets for the Venice Biennale

You can buy tickets online on the official website of the Venice Biennale. The cost of the full ticket is 25,50€ and it is not refundable. However, if you have the Biennale Silver Card, you will not have to pay anything. If you are over 65 years old, the ticket price is 20,50€.  

How long does it take to visit the Biennale?

The answer is:  it depends. We recommend at least 2 days to visit the 29 pavilions located in the Giardini and the part of the exhibition hosted in the Arsenale. If you intend to dedicate some time to the collateral exhibitions around the city, then we recommend a stay of at least 4 or 5 days, so that you can also enjoy the beautiful city of Venice. 


Read also: https://www.hotelarcadia.net/exhibition/self-guided-walking-tour-venice-easy-drinking-water/

What to see at the Guggenheim Museum in Venice

What to see at the Guggenheim Museum in Venice

The Guggenheim Museum is certainly one of the top-5 museums to visit n Venice, not only because it showcases one of the best collections of Contemporary Art in town, but also for the unique building it’s hosted in. In fact, if you notice, Ca’ Venier dei Leoni – this is how this Venetian palazzo is called, has an unusual structure compared to all the other buildings facing the Grand Canal: it has just two floors.

It is believed that this palazzo should have been even more majestic than the one on the opposite side of the canal, owned by the Correr family, but something happened. Nobody knows exactly what was the reason why they interrupted its construction, maybe it was because of money, or maybe because the potent Correr family did what they could to prevent the Vernier from having had a higher and more sumptuous residence compared to theirs. Noble Venetian families used to do things out of spite, after all.

But let’s discover what’s there to see at the Guggenheim Museum in Venice and why it’s worth visiting.

What to see at the Guggenheim Museum in Venice

First of all, there’s a permanent exhibition, showcasingPeggy Guggenheim’s personal collection. You’ll find Cubism, Futurism, Metaphysical paintings, plus European abstraction, avant-garde sculpture, and many others, created by some of the greatest artists of the 20th century, such as Picasso, Braque, Duchamp, and Kandinsky.

This is obviously the heart of the museum, but there are other collections too, like the one of Hannelore B. and Rudolph B. Schulhof, which has been exhibited in the Guggenheim museum since 2012.

In the garden, you’ll also find sculptures by Calder, Caro, Holzer, and other artists.

Then, of course, temporary exhibitions are held regularly.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice: tickets and available discounts

Tickets for the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice are 15 euros per person, but if you’re traveling with kids till age 9, their tickets will be free.

There is also a discount for people with CartaFreccia and a train ticket to Venice – in fact, they can access the museum with the 2×1 promotion.

If you want to find out more about discounts, we suggest visiting Peggy Guggenheim Museum’s official website.

If you have already purchased or you’re about to buy the Venezia Unica City Pass, you can buy the ticket for the Peggy Guggenheim Collection directly online.

Other useful tips for your trip to Venice

Not far from the Peggy Guggenheim Collection there’s one of the most beautiful churches in Venice: The Madonna della Salute Church. This Basilica is very important for Venetians since it was built to thank the Virgin Mary for the end of a terrible plague epidemic. You can read more about it in the article we wrote about the Fest-day of the Madonna della Salute, in our blog.

Then, if you’re still organizing your trip to Venice, here are some articles you might find interesting and useful:

Of course, if you need any suggestions or help in planning your Venice holiday, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Lio Piccolo: a day trip out of Venice


If you love being surrounded by nature, Lio Piccolo is the perfect place for a day trip out of Venice. Lio Piccolo is a small village, located in the northern part of the Venetian Lagoon, not too far from the city of Treporti. Its main characteristic is being immersed in a unique landscape, made of canals, islands and “valli” (fishing zones created during the Middle Ages). A scenic road starting in Treporti heads to the very end of Lio Piccolo, where there’s a historic restaurant you can rest at.

What to see and do in Lio Piccolo

There are many things you can do and see in Lio Piccolo, especially if you love sports and history. The panoramic road we’ve just mentioned is ideal for a bike tour to discover the different species of animals living in this area. Along the road, there are many info boards describing what kind of animals you might see here, such as herons, cormorants, and black-winged stilts.

If you’re not into sports, you can do some birdwatching, sitting on a chair and enjoying the sun. Talking about the sun, Lio Piccolo is also a good place to watch the sunset, coloring the lagoon.

If you love visiting historical places, Lio Piccolo won’t disappoint you since it’s one of the most ancient settlements of the Venetian lagoon. In fact, during the Roman Empire, it was an important seaport for the trade between the city of Altino and Lio Maggiore.

Lio Piccolo counts about 500 inhabitants, a small square and an old Armenian-style bell tower you can actually visit without a guide, leaving an offer at the entrance.

Our suggestion is to explore Lio Piccolo by bike, taking all the time you need to reach the end of the panoramic road. There’s no rush, just pay attention to the cars that occasionally pass by.

Lio Piccolo: a day trip out of Venice to see pink flamingos

Among the animals which live in this unique area, there’s a species you wouldn’t expect to see here, in a day-trip out of Venice: pink flamingos.

As a matter of fact, a flock of pink flamingos actually chose Lio Piccolo’s sandbars as their home a few years ago. It’s not easy to see them, but if you pick the right season and you’re there at the right moment, we can assure you that it’s really worth it.

To be honest, these flamingos aren’t as pink as you might think, but more white because of what they eat in the lagoon. Unfortunately, there are no shrimps or other organisms containing carotenoids (a kind of pigments) in this area, so their feathers don’t color up, but they are still so beautifully elegant.

How to reach Lio Piccolo from Venice

Are you now curious to find out how to spend a day in Lio Piccolo? Here’s how to get there. If you have your car parked inside one of the parking garages in Piazzale Roma (here’s our article about parking in Venice), you can use it to reach Lio Piccolo. If you came to Venice by train or plane, instead, you can take a ferry from Fondamente Nove stop to Treporti, then you can rent a bike, book a bike tour, walk or take a taxi.

If you would like some other ideas for your day-trip out of Venice, we suggest reading our articles about a day-trip to Murano, Burano, and Torcello and 5 day-trips from Venice by train. In case you have some questions, don’t forget that we are here for you.

10 best things to do in Venice on your first time

10 best things to do in Venice on your first time

There’s no doubt about the fact that Venice is worth visiting, but being such a fascinating and unique city, full of history, monuments, and ancient buildings, wondering what the best things to see are is absolutely normal – especially if you’re visiting it for the first time.

Since the majority of our guests ask us about the best things to do in Venice, we decided to write this article to collect all the experiences we usually recommend. This means that you can easily organize your trip, and chose where to stay in Venice, according to your needs and the things you would like to see.

  1. St Mark’s Square and the Basilica

You’ve certainly seen thousands of pictures of the most famous square in the city and, in some way, you probably already know many things about it. But seeing St. Mark’s Square in person will leave you speechless anyway. After all, it’s not by chance that Napoleon used to call it “the finest drawing room in Europe”.

St. Mark’s Square has been the setting of many events for centuries, and even today it’s one of the best places to watch the Redentore fireworks, and where the Flight of the Angel takes place during the Carnival of Venice. The most important sights here is St. Mark’s Basilica, which used to be the Doge’s private Chapel in the past.

Visiting the Basilica is free, but you need to allow enough time to queue up since there are always many people who want to see it. While you’re waiting to admire it, you can discover some fun facts about St. Mark’s Basilica in our blog.

  1. The Doge’s Palace

Not far from St. Mark’s Square there’s the Doge’s Palace, where the chief magistrate and leader of Venice used to live. and administrate the Serenissima Republic. Visiting it is absolutely one of the best things to do in Venice during your stay, especially if you attend the secret tour of the Doge’s Palace, which is more complete than the regular one. Moreover, interesting exhibitions often take place inside the Doge’s Apartments.

  1. The Bell Tower in St. Mark’s Square

Let’s spend a little bit more time in St. Mark’s Square since there’s another thing you won’t miss: the Bell Tower. This isn’t the original one, since it collapsed in the early 20th century, but it’s the exact copy of it. On the other hand, the loggia – where the ticket office is located nowadays – is the one Sansovino projected in 1546. Despite the usual queue, Venice from above is a show you must enjoy.

  1. The Bridge of Sighs

There are many bridges in Venice, more than 400 to be precise, but the Bridge of Sighs is certainly one of the most suggestive. It’s located between the Doge’s Palace and the Prison’s building, facing St. Mark’s Basin and you can only cross it if you visit the Doge’s Palace. If you want to know more about this mysterious bridge, we invite you to read our blog post about its true story.

  1. Rialto Bridge and Fish Market

One of the icons of Venice is certainly the Rialto bridge and the Fish Market of the same name. You can reach it easily from our hotel since it’s just a gondola-ride away. If you go to Santa Sofia, you can reach a gondola ferry that will take you to Rialto in less than 2 minutes. If you want to buy a souvenir, this is the perfect place!

  1. La Fenice Theatre

La Fenice Theatre is the Venice Opera House, an extraordinary place to enjoy an evening in of good music and passionate performances. Wondering what to wear? We have written a whole article about the dress code at the Venice Opera House, you can read on our blog.

  1. The Venice Casino

Did you know that the oldest Casino in Europe is the one in Venice? It’s located in Cannaregio district, not far from our hotel, inside the majestic Venetian palace called Ca’ Vendramin Calergi. The history of the Venice Casino is really so curious and mysterious, that it is worth visiting just to see the place where the homicide of a nobleman was committed.

Of course, don’t forget that the casino also has a dress code.

  1. Venice’s hidden gardens

Venice is full of surprises. In fact, among its streets and squares, there are a lot of secret gardens, hidden behind high walls and decorated gates. We suggest taking some time to visit at least one of them, because they are really something you should see during your stay. Here’s our guide of the secret gardens in Venice you can print out and bring with you once you’re here exploring.

  1. Churches in Venice

There are 137 churches in Venice and we don’t expect you to visit all of them, of course! This is why we put together a selection of the top ones we really recommend visiting. You can use this list as a small guide, but if you see a church that inspires you while walking in Venice, don’t hesitate to enter just because it is not listed in our article, because it may conceal some wonderful surprises!

  1. Museums and Galleries

If you love visiting museums, Venice is definitely the city for you. There are plenty of museums and galleries in Venice you can choose from, starting with the top ones we collected in this blog-post. If you’re staying with us and you’re planning to visit one or more museums, don’t hesitate to ask us for tips, we’ll be happy to keep you posted with all the new exhibitions in town!

Would you like some more tips about what to eat in Venice? Here’s something you might find interesting: Venetian cuisine, 5 things you can only eat in Venice.

Venice in one day: why it’s not enough

Venice in one day: why it's not enough

Venice is a small city in terms of dimensions, which can be tricky for those who are planning a visit here. You might think that it is nothing like New York, which in fact occupies an area of 783.8 km² (and Venice rises on an area of just 414.6 km²), but visiting Venice in one day isn’t a good idea, and we’ll tell you why.

It’s not by chance that the average length of our guests’ stay is around 3-4 days, since they know that Venice is such a unique city you can’t plan to visit it in a single day, but if you don’t really have time to stay longer, here’s an article we wrote about the things you can do in a day in Venice.

Why you shouldn’t visit Venice in a day

We are sure that once you step out of the train station, you’ll instantly agree with us: Venice is a real treasure chest, full of preciousness that you physically can’t see in a day only.

The first reason why you shouldn’t visit Venice in a day lays in the fact that this city is an open-air museum: anywhere you look, you’ll find something interesting and fascinating to see. There are too many things to do and see in Venice that an entire life won’t be enough!

Another reason why you should spend more than a day in Venice is that you can’t drive from one point of interest to another, but you have to reach them on foot or taking a vaporetto (remember to purchase you Venice City Card to get several discounts on transports and museums). As you can imagine, this takes much longer, and if you have just a day to visit Venice you need to consider the time you spend moving from one place to another.

Read also: Where to park in Venice

Venice is meant to be explored slowly, and this is certainly something you won’t do in 24 hours. Getting lost is part of the game and there are infinite itineraries you can follow and create even by yourself, like our self-guided walking tour in Cannaregio district, where our hotel is located. Are you planning to see Burano and Murano island too? A day in Venice won’t be enough unless you’ve been here before and you just want to dedicate the day to its best-known islands.

Then, if you’re planning to enjoy a traditional gondola ride in Venice – which is worth it – consider taking it in the evening, when the sun is about to set, so you’ll have the opportunity to see the Venice from its canals under the colors of the sunset.

So how many days should you stay in Venice?

It’s hard to say, but we think that you should spend at least three days in Venice: one to get to know the city and visit it with no stress, one to see its main attractions and the last one to enjoy a Venice islands tour.

If you stay longer, you might like the idea of spending a day discovering a city near Venice. Here’s an article we wrote with 5 day-trips from Venice by train you can take inspiration from. Then, if you would like to spend a day in the mountains, here’s how to get from Venice to the Dolomites in a day.

Last but not least, remember that if you book your stay in advance, we have a special offer for you!